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Funny Swimmer Sayings Oxyden Is Overrated

Here's a fun collection of swimming quotes to reflect on after you've swum your mile for the day.

Best Swimming Quotes

I concentrate on preparing to swim my race and let the other swimmers think about me, not me about them.
Amanda Beard

I actually love swimming, but I just hate jumping in the water.
Natalie Coughlin

Forever is composed of nows.
Emily Dickinson

In training, everyone focuses on 90% physical and 10% mental, but in the races, it's 90% mental because there's very little that separates us physically at the elite level.
Elka Graham

I wouldn't say anything is impossible. I think that everything is possible as long as you put your mind to it and put the work and time into it.
Michael Phelps

Swim each practice as if it was the most important practice of the year.

Act as if it were impossible to fail, and it will be.

swimming quotes image

Funny Swimming Quotes

There is water in every lane, so it is ok.
Ian Thorpe — on being in Lane 5 for a swim final.

Only a mediocre person is always at his best.

Swimming is a confusing sport because sometimes you do it for fun, and other times you do it to not die. And when I'm swimming, sometimes I'm not sure which one it is.
Demetri Martin

Only when the tide goes out, do you discover who's been swimming naked.
Warren Buffett

Some people give their problems swimming lessons instead of drowning them.
Mark Twain

If you want to learn to swim, jump into the water. On dry land, no frame of mind is ever going to help you.
Bruce Lee

Remember, a dead fish can float downstream, but it takes a live one to swim upstream!
W.C. Fields

See Good Swimming Slogans.

Inspirational Swimming Quotes

Excellence eliminates doubt.
Anne Ottenbrite

Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.
Earl Nightingale

It's what you do with the rough patches that will define the athlete that you'll become.
Dana Vollmer

Believe in yourself, not only in swimming but in life itself. You always have to have fun. You have to have an open mind. If you're not enjoying it, don't do it. Life's too short.
Debbie Meyer

Tonight was not about winning; it was about focusing on myself and what I was aiming to do. It's the reason why I was able to swim so well.
Libby Lenton

I told myself there was no way I was going to let this training go to waste. It was my time, and I was ready to go.
Katie Hoff

I am not going to allow myself not to perform well just because I don't feel well. I am bulletproof to the extent that a lot of things can be thrown at me, but it's about how much I am prepared to let them affect me.
Ian Thorpe

In most sports, they have a physical effect on your performance, in swimming only psychological. If you worry about what your rival is doing, you take your mind off what you are doing and so fail to concentrate on your performance.
Louis Fabian Bachrach

Enjoy swimming, for swimming's sake. We have to spend far too much time in the water to not enjoy the process of challenging yourself of moving through the water.
Jeff Rousse

Swim Quotations

The hardest thing about climbing the ladder of success is getting through the crowd at the bottom.

Being your best is not so much about overcoming the barriers other people place in front of you as it is about overcoming the barriers we place in front of ourselves.
Kieren Perkins

My preference is swimming in the sea. I find the sea is more liberating, wild, and good fun rather than plodding up and down a pool.
Jo Brand

When you are behind, don't give up; when you are ahead, don't let up.

You can't do anything by doing nothing.

Being your best is not so much about overcoming the barriers other people place in front of you as it is about overcoming the barriers we place in front of ourselves. But it does have everything to do with having the vision to dream, the courage to recover from adversity, and the determination never to be shifted from your goal.
Kieran Perkins

Don't count the days; make the days count.

Losers let it happen; winners make it happen.

It's been told that swimming is a wimp sport, but I don't see it. We don't get timeouts; in the middle of a race, we can't stop and catch our breath, we can't roll on our stomachs and lie there, and we can't ask for a substitution.
Dusty Hicks

Short Swimming Quotes

Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

No man drowns if he perseveres in praying to God and can swim.
Russian Proverb

Swimming is my passion and something that I love.
Natalie du Toit

The swimmer who says, "It can't be done," is passed by the swimmer who is doing it.

Let us swim together in the ocean of our being.
Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Success isn't final; failure isn't fatal; it's courage that counts.
Alicia Coutts

I've put too much pressure on myself in the past. Just relax and let it come. I just went out there to have a bit of fun tonight.
Sophie Edington

Don't wait for your ship to come in. Swim out to it.
Steve Southerland

This life is like a swimming pool. You dive into the water, but you can't see how deep it is.
Dennis Rodman

On matters of style, swim with the current; on matters of principle, stand like a rock.

Wins and losses come a dime a dozen. But the effort, nobody can judge effort because effort is between you and you. Effort ain't got nothing to do with nobody else.
Ray Lewis

I enjoyed every bit of my swimming career. I think that's the most important advice: enjoy what you do.
Summer Sanders

Swimmer Quotes

A huge part of swimming for me is I love it, and it is so much fun.
Missy Franklin

It's easy to forget when you're an elite athlete that everyone else gets nervous as well. Even the best people in the world, at whatever they do, they're still nervous.
Greg Louganis

It's a beautiful thing, diving into the cool crisp water and then just sort of being able to pull your body through the water and the water opening up for you.
Dawn Fraser

While I'm swimming, I sing songs in my mind.
Alexandr Popov

Susie had no talent whatsoever. She's a little person who couldn't even make a final at a state meet – coming and showing the world that on sheer guts and determination, you can do anything you want!
Dick Caine

Swim Sayings

Swimming is great because there are levels of goals. First, when I was four, it was making it to the other end and overcoming the fear of standing up in front of everybody at a swim meet because I was such a shy kid.
Summer Sanders

I want people to see the passion I have for swimming and become more involved in the sport.
Ryan Lochte

I try to make the good days great and take something positive from the days I'm not feeling good — work on technique or something like that.
Katie Ledecky

The man who is swimming against the stream knows the strength of it.
Woodrow Wilson

Somehow I kept my head above water. I relied on the discipline, character, and strength that I had started to develop as that little girl in her first swimming pool.
Esther Williams

The reason swimming is one of the hardest sports is because you have to be in the pool by yourself every day, making that sacrifice. There's no time to do anything else.
Chad le Clos

I concentrate on preparing to swim my race and let the other swimmers think me, not me, about them.
Amanda Beard

Swimming Quotations on Competition

It's not who's put up the fastest time in the world that year, or who's put up the fastest time in the previous four years, but who can get their hand on the wall first today.
Nathan Adrian

You are always racing against the other swimmers, but I always try to just focus on what I'm doing and how I want to swim my races.
Katie Ledecky

I know I've made huge gains in my confidence and knowing more about my racing and myself as a person. That has made me a better athlete.
Libby Lenton

We've seen, time and again, when people focus on the outcome rather than what needs to be done to achieve a desirable result, then the wheels fall off.
Cate Campbell

Traveling to swimming meets took me beyond my small-town existence, gave me a hint of the exciting world outside of my own home.
Esther Williams

Most of us, swimming against the tides of trouble the world knows nothing about, need only a bit of praise or encouragement – and we will make the goal.
Robert Collier

I have been visualizing myself every night for the past four years, standing on the podium having the gold placed around my neck.
Megan Quann

Motivational Swimming Quotes

Don't be a fish; be a frog. Swim in the water and jump when you hit the ground.
Kim Young-ha

I want to test my maximum and see how much I can do. And I want to change the world of swimming.
Michael Phelps

It's easy to forget when you're an elite athlete that everyone else gets nervous as well. Even the best people in the world, at whatever they do, they're still nervous.
Leisl Jones

It's not who's put up the fastest time in the world that year, or who's put up the fastest time in the previous four years, but who can get their hand on the wall first today.
Nathan Adrian

If you're scared to lose rather than excited to win, then that's the wrong way to approach a race.
Cate Campbell

Practice like you're not good enough to win. Race like you're too good to lose.
Katie Ledecky

I can't control what everyone else swims, but if all goes well, I know there are no limits.
Leisl Jones

But you learn more from one loss than you do from a million wins. You learn a lot about sportsmanship.
Amy Van Dyken


No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everyone on the couch.

Every champion was once a contender who refused to give up.

Great things never come from comfort zones.
Penny Oleksiak

Mainly, I like to have fun. Swimming is all about having fun, and I am a firm believer that you should keep swimming as long as you are having fun, but I can say that it becomes much more fun as you get older and learn more about the sport, life, and especially more about yourself.
Scott Goldblatt

Swimming is probably the ultimate of burnout sports.
Diana Nyad

Being happy outside the pool means fast swimming in the pool.
Eric Shanteau

Motivational Quotes

Remember to do the things you enjoy away from swimming regularly.
Ian Thorpe

I always tell people I'm a better swimmer because I'm a mom and a better mom because I'm a swimmer.
Amanda Beard

You don't want to line up on the blocks and know you have not done everything you possibly can.
Stephanie Rice

In training, everyone focuses on 90% physical and 10% mental, but in the races, it's 90% mental because there's very little that separates us physically at the elite level.
Elka Graham

Mark Spitz Quotes

I just tried to keep my cool and continue with my race plan: to win.

We all love to win, but how many people love to train?

If you fail to prepare, you're prepared to fail.

Everyone loves to be loved.

I swam my brains out.

The only side effect of too much training is that you get into better shape. There is nothing wrong with that.

Michael Phelps Quotes

Eat, sleep, and swim. (Phelps' motto)

If you want to be the best, you have to do things that other people aren't willing to do.

I wouldn't say anything is impossible. I think that everything is possible as long as you put your mind to it and put the work and time into it.

Swimming is normal for me. I'm relaxed. I'm comfortable, and I know my surroundings. It's my home.

I can't remember the last day I didn't train.

You're tired; you feel you can't move; you're truly hurting. That's when he would throw down especially hard sets.

The more you dream, the more you achieve.

You can make a million mistakes, just not the same one twice.

I think goals should never be easy; they should force you to work, even if they are uncomfortable at the time.

You can't put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the farther you get.

I feel most at home in the water. I disappear. That's where I belong.

I found something I love and never gave up.

Swimming Captions for Instagram

Life is cool by the pool.

Dipping my toe.

Do not disturb.

Sunny days and catchin' rays.

Too cool for the pool.

Do you even make waves, bro?

Float, float on!

Olympic pool lifeguard material.

I'd rather be swimming.

Cannonball vibes.

As cool as a couple of popsicles.

Swim now; breath later.

Chlorine can be serene.

Pool hair; don't care.

Swimming: I'll be there for you.

Home is where the pool is.

Chlorine is my perfume.

Funny Swim Captions

Pool party.

Oxygen is so overrated.

Why run when you can fly — butterfly, that is.

The best memories are made in swimsuits.

A day without swimming is like — jk, I have no idea.

Breathing is for the weak.

Nothing better than when you have the whole pool to yourself.

Check out these swimming sayings and slogans.

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Source: https://www.sportsfeelgoodstories.com/swimming-quotes/

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